If we sit alone with our thoughts long enough, most will come to the same conclusion. Many of us will think of something that we need to fix or want to improve. If that’s you, you probably have a visual picture of where you want to go in life. A goal, a dream, an internal yearning- whatever you choose to call it, most people have at least one.

This could be as simple as losing weight; you may picture yourself ten to twenty pounds thinner wearing your favorite high school jeans. Perhaps making more money is what gets you excited, so the visual might consist of you driving a fancy car and living in a multilevel house with an Olympic-sized pool. Others may aspire to own a business one day, and they envision their own office teeming with loyal employees.

Let’s face it: the human race is endowed with an ambitious spirit, and it is rare to find an individual who does not desire to be more or do more. Why, then, is it that many never reach their goal? Why is it so difficult to get to that place we so desire? More importantly, how do we get there?

The Taste of Defeat

When I graduated high school, all I wanted to do was get a college degree. Shortly after graduation, I enrolled at Fort Lauderdale’s Art Institute and began the process of becoming a fashion merchandiser, but that undertaking did not last long. About a month into my goal-seeking adventure, I gave up on it. That’s right. I lasted a measly month! Why was it so easy for me to give up on my dream?

Unfortunately, the only thing that drove me forward back then were my emotions. No preparation for what was ahead, just driven by pure excitement. Needless to say, I was caught off guard by all “the voices” that had prepared to discourage me, and I sure had not made preparations to handle all the other obstacles that would stand in my way. In the end, I surrendered my dream because I bought into all the reasons to give up and go back home. Yes, sadly, I must admit I lost that battle. I started on that journey without a plan.

 My Revelation

Today, I have the privilege of teaching, training, and coaching. Helping others grow and develop is my passion. Not a day goes by that I am not thankful for this blessing, but it did not just happen. It took twelve years before I saw any type of degree. Trust me when I say that the battle to get here turned into a war. It was not easy, and if I am truly honest, it is a daily fight to reach the goals that I still have to carry out. What I have learned is that if we want to achieve that dream, it won’t just appear by accident. After all, anything worth having never comes easy.

The lessons learned from failure are many, but they have been my greatest teacher throughout my ongoing journey. It is my hope that my past, present, and future trials, both personally and professionally, will not only keep you from making the same mistakes but that through them, you will be encouraged to reach your full potential. It all starts with a plan.