
It happens to most of us. An insatiable inspiration to do something new and outrageous comes over us. We get really excited and make mental plans as we ride on the enthusiasm for a few days.  It isn’t long, however, and before we know it we have completely talked ourself out of the great idea that once inspired us. There are times that we may even beat ourselves up mentally, wondering what we were thinking in the first place. 

Second Nature or Bad Habit

The human reluctance of starting something new is imbedded in us so deeply that we think it is natural; we even take pride in calling ourselves cautious. Speaking personally, I have always believed that not taking that ‘risk’ was just me being reasonable. At times, I would justify it by using elaborate terms: it’s my internal protection mechanism, or discernment. In reality it was a whole lot more than that; it was plain old FEAR! It was the fear of failure, and it paralyzed me.

Reckless or Responsible

Hear me when I say that there is nothing wrong with stepping back, praying about decisions and making wise choices. Afterall, the world that we live in now makes it nearly impossible to truly trust most of what we hear and say. We would be foolish to jump into anything without really weighing our options. What I am saying is that we cannot let fear control our lives to the point that we lose sight of what we are called to do.

Recently, I have come to realize that this way of thinking  has caused me to miss out on some wonderful opportunities. And although I cannot go backwards, it is this revelation that has prompted me to move forward in an entirely new direction, right in the face of fear.

There is no doubt that there will be times of discouragement and defeat, but no longer will fear keep me from living the abundant life that we are all promised.  If you are ready to defy the odds, confront your doubts and turn your back on your fears, then I invite you to be brave and take the journey with me….something new is about to happen!