Given the cutting edge technology era we are in, the writing process has never been so important, especially to young aspiring authors. We can transmit a message for the world to see in an instant. Although I would not trade this innovative tool for the world, a moment of weakness could produce chaos. When we pair passionate emotions that create fervent and fiery words, fueled by the heat of the moment, this gift of transmitting our thoughts can cause a self-inflicted wound. In the blink of an eye, before pondering the content of our impulsive, yet “crucial” message, the hasty decision causes us to second guess ourselves as soon as we hit the send button. I would be the first to agree that writing from an impassioned heart quite often produces the best work. However, we must be careful not to confuse it with enthusiatic emotional energy. As I write, no matter how excited I am to put a completed piece out for others to read, I must remember these things.

  1. My first draft is done quickly, just as it flows from my mind onto the page.
  2. Revising and editing are two different things. Be sure to do them both, repeatedly. Even the best authors write and rewrite before publishing their works.  
  3. Always pray, and ask the Lord for wisdom and direction, before hitting the send button. He is the ultimate Editor!

May God bless all your works!